THE AUTOMOTIVE BLOG OF THE CENTURY…….or John’s crappy little blog, which every you prefer really, doesn’t affect me.

I love cars, simple as that, not because their fast or because they’re sexy, not because they’re expensive, and certainly not because they attract women (devious lies); I love them for what they represent, simple joy. Joy in its purest form, and it should be valued as such, most people never get the full benefit of driving a car, most new drivers now all drive soul less self-driving things that inspire nothing more than a quicker trip to point B. Cars are things that should be unique, they should have a personality, and yes a personality means flaws, glaringly obvious flaws that stare at you funny before yelling “ARE YOU LOOKIN AT ME?????? NOBODY ELSE HERE SO YOU MUST BE LOOKIN AT ME!!!!!!.” It should be an experience each time you drive, not just a mundane task like washing clothes or counting change (although that may be exciting to some). In my humble opinion, if you’ve never felt the great joy of cursing at you car, begging for it to start as the life slowly drains from the battery, and it just suddenly starts, well then you’re missing out on something special in life.

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